Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Podcast Recommendations for Women {Volume Two}

This summer I wrote a post about what I was listening to during the day.  I had a few podcast recommendations as well as other mobile listening options such as radio apps and Audible.  Now that I have a few more podcasts in my repertoire, I want to share some with you again!
Totally Married & Totally Mommy - These two come from the dynamic duo of Elizabeth Laime & Andy Rosen.  They are a married couple and have several podcasts between the two of them.  They are HILARIOUS and totally real.  They start out with some good banter including personal stories, frustrations, and dreams, and then they move on to listener questions.  Some questions are silly, some are super serious, and they even do some episodes where they take questions from teens.  You usually don't see that, but it's important to acknowledge that with technology, people of all ages are hearing your work! These are fun podcasts to listen to while working around the house, on projects, etc.  The hubby even approves of Totally Married!  Start with one of these and then expand in to their other podcasts.  

The Chalene Show - This podcast comes from the famous Chalene Johnson.  She started as a fitness guru and has evolved in to an empowering personal development businesswoman.  Her episodes will teach you anything from how to sleep better, how to set goals, how to improve your relationships, how to manage you time...SO MUCH!  She is all over the place but in a good way.  Her enthusiasm makes it feel like she's sitting right in front of you.  I will listen to one of these while I'm out walking, in the shower, or if I need some energy put in to my day.  You will definitely feel inspired after listening to one of these!
Magic Lessons with Elizabeth Gilbert - If you don't know my obsession with Elizabeth Gilbert, then you haven't been here long enough.  Check out my review of her book Committed.  Also, follow me on Instagram for more inspiration :)  Anywho...  
The only thing I didn't like about this podcast is that it was TOO SHORT!  I was always wanting more, as the episodes are shorter.  Luckily for you, this season is over and you can binge listen to the whole thing and then order her book.  The reason she did this podcast was to inspire creators to CREATE and also to promote her book with the same goal. She calls fans and gives each of them their own personal "magic lesson" on how to pursue their creative dreams.  She also gives them each little assignments.  Then the following episode, she consults with one of her famous friends and garners the lucky listener even more advice.  It is inspiring and fun to listen to. You can definitely use this as your daily personal development!
That's all I'm going to give you for now!  GO CHECK THESE OUT!  I will have another recommendation post coming soon.  Until then, download at least one of these and let me know what you think.  I love listening to all of these women.  Each of them serves a different purpose in my day and all of them definitely make it a big more tolerable.  
What are you listening to??
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  1. These are great recommendations! My husband and I listen to several podcasts, but they're usually centered on technology, politics, and gaming since he picks them out. Sometimes I want something more feminine and lifestyle-centered, you know? Thanks for these tips!

    <3 Liz

    1. Hey Liz! Absolutely! Try out Totally Married for sure, it's really funny. Also, I LOVE Radiolab and men will definitely enjoy that! I'll be doing a third iteration of this series soon too so stick around :)
