Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Our Love Story {Since 2007}

Eight years.  Eight years of fantastic memories with my amazing husband.  Sometimes it feels like we've done it all.  Sometimes it feels like there's so much more (which there is, duh).  I cannot wait to see what the future brings for us!  I have an excellent partner that has never let me down. 

So how did we get here?  Here's the abridged and non-juicy version:

On October 12th, 2007 - I wasn't even two months in to my college career when my brother came to town to visit his girlfriend.  They took me to my first fraternity party at my brother's fraternity (he was an alum, and she was good friends with lots of the guys there).

That was the first time I met my Mikey!  It was brief, but we both remember it  :)  My brother's exact words were "This is Mike, you should date him".  Okay...  Mike says he remembers my curly hair the most and that it was intriguing.  Thanks for something, crazy curls!!

Two days later, we went out to eat for a birthday dinner.  He sat by me (I had my fingers crossed that he would) and that's where it all started.  I like to say I was "in love at second sight".  Everyone else saw it, too.  By March 17th, we were officially official.

Over the next four years of my college career, we lived in different cities, states, and countries.  We moved in together in the fall of 2009, spent our summers in corporate housing while Mike interned, and even rented two apartments at once since Mike graduated before me.  I also studied abroad in 2010 in Oslo, Norway.  Mike visited me and we were lucky to travel to Paris, France as well!

I graduated college in 2011 and by the end of the summer, I was ready to be a wife.  Mike got the hint and proposed on October 19th, 2011, just over four years after we met.  We basked in the glow of engagement for a few months and then planned our wedding for June of 2012.

June 2, 2012 - we said our vows and had an amazing time celebrating with family and friends.  A few days later, we flew off to Costa Rica and enjoyed ten days of warm and humid newlywed bliss!  We just celebrated three years of marriage this June.  We are so happy!

Our relationship started when we both weren't looking (like, really not looking), and worked out with some persistence and patience from both of us.  We've moved many times, each had a few jobs, traveled to some fun places, and taken too many pictures along the way.  Oops!

I feel so lucky to have met my guy at the young age of 18.  We have really grown up together over the last few years and it has been so nice having Mike by my side through everything.  "Adulting" has been a lot easier with a partner and built in best friend.  Wait to find the guy (or girl) that will carry you through everything with you needing to ask.  Thanks for all for all of the memories, my love!

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