Saturday, March 9, 2013

Sleep Much?

I've been thinking about sleep a lot lately.  For a couple reasons...

#1 - I'm sick, stuffy, coughing, ehhhh.  It makes nights not fun and mornings really difficult because I've been so tired I can barely walk.  I made it all the way through the work week though!  Mike was so sick a few months ago he actually spent a night in our loft because it was disturbing me so much that I wasn't sleeping either (this will make sense/become relevant later in this post).

#2 - Mike is a legitimate insomniac.  Since forever.  He stopped taking his medication quite a while ago and now relies on Melatonin.  Our routine every night is brushing teeth, jammies, I snuggle up to him while he sits up in bed and reads until he can fall asleep.  It's not disruptive to me, but I feel so bad for him!

#3 - We have been on the hunt for a new bed for about a month now.  We have always slept in a full size bed.  (Mike is 6"3', by the way.)  We got it when we moved in together as a family hand-me-down like most of our other furniture.  We never complained, because we've always been snugglers.  It was never an issue until recently.  We started wanting more space to sleep, I like my knees up, Mike has ridiculously long legs, blah blah, and we wanted to feel a little more grown up.

#4 - I read this article on The Nest about getting better sleep.  You can read it here.  It has pretty weird options, but it happened to be relevant at this point in time.

We made the decision to spend some of our tax refund money on a new bed.  A KING SIZE bed!  We never thought we would have one, but turns out a queen just isn't that much bigger than a full.  And I was thinking wayyy ahead as to when we have kids/dogs and will want to have extra room in our bed :)

Mattress shopping sucks.  I don't know if it was because I was tired or overwhelmed (and the fact that I am a MAJOR cheap ass and mattresses are freaking expensive!).  We checked out a few stores over President's Day weekend and settled on one recommended by a salesman.  We found out we could get it cheaper online and decided to order it that way.

**Drama Portion**  The bed frame we picked out was back ordered until May and that sales guy was a jerk, so we just ordered the mattress. Mike was clicking purchase and told me the price of the mattress, I had a freakout and told him to wait.  SO EXPENSIVE!  But we ordered the next day after I consulted some co-workers and decided the investment is worth it.  This is with hopes of the mattress lasting and us getting better sleep.

WELL...Our new huge mattress arrived TODAY!  This means two things:  we have a new bed, and now our guest room is complete with a real bed and not a futon!  YOU SHOULD COME VISIT!!  Mike and I stood in front of the mattress and took a ceremonial first flop on it, and it felt great.  BUT...we never ordered a frame, so it is on the floor!  So much for being big kids... It makes me giggle, but one step at a time, right?

New mattress!

Our jazzed up spare bedroom
Slowly but surely we are settling in to our house more and getting things that we need and want to have.  It feels great to feel comfortable in our place and enjoy being here.  It makes married life all the more blissful!  

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