Sunday, March 3, 2013

Urban Glamping

That's right, bitches.  (Sorry, I had to, I feel so badass!)

We went "glamping" (Glam-Camping) our basement!  And it is definitely part of the top 10 most fun times we've ever spent together.

I thought of the idea while telling a friend 2 things:  we have basically nothing in our basement, and we got camping stuff for Christmas.  GENIUS!  Camping in the basement!

I surprised Mike by setting everything up while he was out of the house.  Tent, table and chairs, sleeping bags, candles and flashlights, blanket and pillows, and games.  And I made a dumb sign proclaiming it all OLSON HOLLOW.  He was totally surprised and really excited to spend a whole night in our cave of a basement.

We immediately started playing Trouble, which is a really old game...but if you haven't played it lately, you should.  It is so fun and competitive!  *Side note:  I suck at playing games because I am a sore loser.  I think it comes from growing up with two big brothers and ALWAYS losing.  But I'm getting better!  Mike won best 2 out of 3 and we started to make dinner.

I literally lost by 1 space in the tie-breaker!
We made Hobo Dinners.  If you haven't experience this phenomenon, you need to.  My family made them all the time when we went camping growing up.  Turns out, they are just as delicious in the oven!  How to: place veggies, meat, and bisquick (if you like) in tin foil with butter and seasonings, cook at 400 for  30-40 minutes depending on your veggies and whether your meat is frozen or not.  We always do potatoes + chicken + tomatoes (we use the canned flavored ones) + green beans.  Dee-freaking-licious. You need to try this.  They're SO GOOD!  Don't forget to add some seasonings (pepper, sea salt, italian seasoning, Lawry's, etc...but not all of those, haha).

I also made Golden Graham S'mores bars for dessert/s'mores!

After dinner we opened our new Monopoly and went to work.  We played for a long time until we decided it was time to watch a movie.  (We finished our game of Monopoly today, Mike won again!)  We snuggled up in the tent with sleeping bags, and lots of pillow and blankets and watched The Way.  It was a great movie and I am currently really into media about long, solitary trips/hikes/adventures.  I would definitely recommend this movie!

Basically, we are really tech-y around here with lots of computers, laptops, TVs, Roku boxes, etc.  It was really great to unplug, confine ourselves to the basement, and HANG OUT.  We listened to music, played games, talked, and really enjoyed the quiet time.  We will be playing games more often, it is really fun to do together.  It sounds so weird...I know.  But it was something new for us!

We had a great time!  

Do something nice and unexpected for your significant other this month :)

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