Friday, February 27, 2015

Five on Friday

Today, I'm going with a little different format and doing my first Five on Friday.  There are a lot of quick-list linkups out there in blogland and I'm feeling this one for today.  Sometimes I get a little too in depth and serious around here, so let's lighten it up a bit!


I have been married for 1000 DAYS!  A few months ago, I randomly decided to look up the date and added it to my calendar.  It popped up today and instantly brightened my morning.  I absolutely love being married and I am lucky to have the best guy as my spouse.  We have an amazing time whether we are watching kid movies in bed or out adventuring in the trees.  And honestly, I still feel like we're on our honeymoon almost three years later.  Love!

This is our relationship :)

I am freaking cold.  These thirty-some degree morning are getting a bit old.  Call me a complainer, but I moved to Texas to avoid this.  February is supposedly the worst for weather here, and basically the whole country is suffering, so I guess I'll just suck it up.  At least it's not negative thirty {I'm looking at you, Minnesota}.  One more reason to stay cuddled under lots of blankets! 


I've recently had a big change to my work responsibilities.  I won't go in to gory details but I was given a clerking job for a different major client and lost some of my other miscellaneous work due to that.  I have come to really love the variety of my job here, but I am adjusting alright to the new flow of things.  I am working with an excellent paralegal and learning a lot of new things in the process.  This is a lesson in staying positive, as I am generally a person who despises change! 


I'm done being weird about not having a hobby.  It's been settled.  My hobbies are coffee and beer.  Seriously.  I absolutely love checking out new coffee shops, seeing what their specialties are, and hopefully indulging on a pastry or two.  And going to brewery taproom openings has got to be one of the most fun things ever.  We tried one out last weekend, and luckily were the second people in line.  We got a spot at the bar and got to watch all the craziness ensue.  With great beer, great local music, and my guy - I'm happy. 


I'm almost due for a new book.  Word to the wise:  do not waste your time on Middlesex.  Although it has fantastic reviews and Oprah loved it, I've been struggling through it for over a month.  It took until page 400 to get interesting.  Not kidding.  I am a pretty fast reader.  THEREFORE - I am in need of a fun, light, quick read.  What are your suggestions?!

So there we are!  How was your week?

1 comment:

  1. I just read Party Girl by Rachel Hollis. It was a light, fun, easy read! Check it out!

    And the best way to stay warm here in Texas is layer and wait a day...the weather will change again! :)
