Friday, December 12, 2014

Review of: The Theory of Everything

This past weekend, I had a movie date (among other things, more on that soon) while visiting a friend in Charleston, SC.  It was a rainy, cold night, so we walked across the street and decided to see The Theory of Everything.  I had seen a few previews and was intrigued more so than anything else at the theater.  Holy moly, did we make the right decision!


1.  Go with a friend.
2.  Bring your tissues.

The movie tells the love story of Stephen and Jane Hawking based on a book she wrote about her life with him.  I didn't know too much about Stephen Hawking other than that he is a genius and is in a wheelchair.  I now have a greater understanding of just how smart he is, and also the effects of diseases like ALS. 

He is diagnosed with a motor neuron disease related to ALS (hello, Ice Bucket Challenge) at the age of 21 while he is dominating his life in college.  Given two years to live, he sets out to accomplish as much as possible.  And Jane holds on for the ride.  Actually, more like steers the ride.

The movie is absolutely gripping and by the time it was over (123 minutes), I felt like I was taking my first breath in hours.  I literally had to not talk and stretch my muscles immediately after the movie.  I needed a minute to calm down.  You will find yourself adjusting your position to take in all of the emotion. By no means will you want to walk away or take a break.  I was totally enthralled with their life, family, accomplishments, struggles, and once again, his intelligence.

But this movie IS NOT SOME SAPPY LOVE STORY made for ladies only.  Any guy would easily enjoy this movie.  I am trying to decide if I have it in me to go see it with my husband...that's how emotional it was.  It is on par with my feelings about the movie The Pianist (review written in 2013).  These movies are both dramatic, stunning, and beautifully written and performed. 

The main actors (Eddie Redmayne and Felicity Jones) were fabulous.  Although I had not seen them in other films recently, I felt like they were actors that I had loved for years.  They are going to take over during awards season.  Mark my words...this film will clean house.  Actually, after a Google search, they just received four Golden Globe nominations.  Go team! 

This is definitely one of the best movies I've seen all year.  (And we have been watching a lot of movies.) 

My advice:  whether you like or dislike science, biopics, England...what have you...GO SEE THIS MOVIE!!


  1. Wow, what a review for a film haha! I have been debating seeing this one because it looks emotional and I am a total sap and beyond sensitive, as in, I have to be careful what kind of emotional films I see because they will AFFECT me! I do want to see this, however, so I may just wait until it's out on video and I can watch it from the comfort of my home and then cry for an hour afterward and then promptly watch a comedy haha! ;) Awesome review! :)

  2. Wow, what a review for a film haha! I have been debating seeing this one because it looks emotional and I am a total sap and beyond sensitive, as in, I have to be careful what kind of emotional films I see because they will AFFECT me! I do want to see this, however, so I may just wait until it's out on video and I can watch it from the comfort of my home and then cry for an hour afterward and then promptly watch a comedy haha! ;) Awesome review! :)

  3. Good review. Redmayne and Jones are very good here. However, I wish the movie gave them more to do and work with.
