Sunday, February 3, 2013

Mama Love

I had a not so great week.  We won't get into it, but let's just say coming back after vacay (sucky #1), and doing nothing after work but bundling up in blankets and not feeling great.  Oh, and I'm PMSing.  Joy.  BUT, I think I'm over my week-of-crap slump, so don't worry, I won't bite you.

I looked forward all week to Saturday.  My mom was coming and bringing our precious Lola back (my parents watched her while we were on vacay).  We really miss Lola when she's not around to talk to, pet, and take care of.  I've also been missing my parents a lot lately.  I don't know why, exactly, I am just craving some time at home.

My mom brought some goodies from my grandma.  By goodies, I mean:  house decor! If you didn't know, my grandma has a secret calling as an interior decorator.  She LOVES to decorate her house, make flower arrangements, and shop!  I spent a lot of time with her growing up (both of my sets of grandparents lived within 10 miles of me growing up, so lucky!) and she definitely taught me how to shop :)  Sometimes things are hideous, I'll be honest....but lots of times she gets really cute stuff!  And she passes it on to my mom and I when she's tired of it.  I actually have a TON of stuff from my grandma in our house.

I scored these decorative floral balls, which are in our living room...and this sort-of-gaudy candelabra that I put in our bathroom.  

Now, for the not-so-fabulous:  she gave my mom a stuffed mouse that she "thought I should have".  I, of course, told my mom that she would be taking that back home with her.  I even put it in her reusable bag that I packed for her with her stuff to go back home. 

 WELLLL...This morning I was putting the dishes away...

The little SNEAK stuffed it in one of our cupboards!!  Mom wins.  
It was so good to see my mom.  We were never really close, but now that I'm older, we always get along.  We caught up on family drama, Litchfield gossip, and what we've all been up to.  I asked her to bring some books, as I've gotten back in to reading lately.  She is a HUGE reader and delivered me a nice variety to choose from.  I'm currently finishing up Heart Sick, and I think I will probably delve into Into the Wild when I'm done.  Into the Wild is a great movie as well, makes you think.

Fun fact time!  I am actually a published author.  In 5th grade, I had a poem published in two books.  It was about birds...random.  My mom found the books and brought them along for us to have.  

We all chatted for a while and ended up going to Applebees for a late late lunch.  Mike wanted to go to a class thing on Saturday, and I told him he could go.  He answered "I would rather be here with you guys."  It warmed my heart a bit.  My mom truly thinks of Mike as another son.  Which happens to work out for Mike since he lost his mom.  Mike is definitely close to my family, which makes me VERY happy and makes me love him even more.  My mom also realized it was our 8 month anniversary!  Sooo happy!!  She headed home just a bit after 5 to try to beat the weather.  I enjoyed the quick visit and hope to go back home some time soon.

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