Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Photo Stream

I'm going to make this a photo post by going through my photo stream from my phone and sharing my last week with you.

I totally copied a friend and re-purposed an old candle jar.  I used {hot-hot} water to remove the wax, then I mixed a color, painted the inside, and sealed it with Mod Podge.  I am using it for cotton balls.  Thanks for the idea!

Friday, Mike left for his TKE Alumni ice fishing trip...what's a girl to do?  Have a party!  I had a bunch of girls over and we nerdily had a potluck.  Which was AWESOME!  We also painted our nails, enjoyed some wine and drinks and had a fabulous time chatting, gossiping, and story telling.  It was such a great time and I hope we can do it again soon.  THANK YOU to all the lovely ladies that joined me on Saturday! The only picture I got (naughty me, I know) is of the girls giving Lola her dinner.

Sunday morning I got the most fantastic surprise EVER as I was watching The Lorax (super cute movie) in bed.  I got to FaceTime with my "niece" for the first time and she is amazing!  Just two months of perfect cuteness!

I had Monday off (bank holiday) and got to have a Skype date with my friend from high school.  I got to meet her son and husband for the first time!  We had a nice chat and it was fantastic to catch up.  So glad that she is back in my life after all of these years.  

Needless to say, I've got my baby fix for a while! 
I am so lucky to have such great people in my life and I hope I do a good job of letting them all know that.  I am really trying to keep my friends close and family closer.  I appreciate everything you all do for me and know that I am ALWAYS, always, always here for you.


  1. I had so much fun on Saturday! We should definitely do that again!

  2. Saturday was so great - I agree with Nicole that we need to do it again!
