Sunday, January 13, 2013

Weekends Abound

Wow.  What a fun week/end!

I had a lot going on this week, but luckily it was fun stuff.  First of all, I would like to say YESSSS to the fact that television shows are past their winter break and are starting up again :)  The Bachelor, and yes...I'm a sucker for the ABC Family shows, specifically Pretty Little Liars (ridiculous, Natalie...I know).  Work has been so painfully slow this week, and probably this coming week that I have been killing time reading, looking for jobs, and playing games on my phone.  As for the jobs, my contract is up in April and so I'm on the hunt...if you know of anything, send it my way!

Thursday we had an LDS (sorority) happy hour.  It was myself, Reba, and Madison (who we haven't seen in a long time) at a tap house.  It had DELISH beer cheese soup, I'm going back for more soon!  It was nice to have a smaller group and get to really catch up with each other.  Thanks for coming ladies!

Friday we had a surprise going away party for one of my best friends, Katie.  She is leaving TOMORROW (ohmygod I just processed that) to go serve with the NCCC division of Americorps.  Check out the gist of her commitment here and you can also keep up with her new blog if you'd like to here.  First, we visited the famous Kramarczuk's Deli for a quick dinner.  It is eastern European food, smells delicious, and was equally as tasty.  I had a pot-pie type thing and a Varenyky (perogie) and Mike had goulash stew.  It was fun to try something new :)  I would definitely recommend it, and we had leftovers, too!

 Anywho, my friend Anna invited Katie over to "play video games with the boys", and even though Katie showed up late (we all knew she would, love you Katie!) she was TOTALLY SURPRISED!!  We had a small, fun group, got to meet some more of Katie's college friends, chatted, ate some treats courtesy of Anna and gave Katie a hopefully memorable sendoff.  I am dying thinking that I might not see Katie for 10 months, but I know this is truly the best path for her right now and I am so proud of her for taking the risk and doing what she feels compelled to do.  I love you, Katie!!

Saturday morning I was up at the crack of dawn...okay, it was 8:00, but I freaking love sleeping and I'm going to pretend it was the crack of dawn.  What gets me up that early on a Saturday?  Time with FRIENDS!  Sorority sisters, to be exact.  We met for coffee in Eagan and 4 hours later we decided it was probably time to continue on with our days.  I'm sure the workers thought we were long lost family or something!  It was great to see these ladies in a small, cozy environment and really catch up and get to know each other more  :)

The rest of Saturday I kind of felt like poo but managed to do a "project" I've been wanting to do.  I bound together all of our wedding cards so that we will always have them organized and can go back and see the special notes from our family and friends.  I swiped a two-hole-punch from work, which worked like a charm and got the silver rings at Michael's for about $1.50 for a pack of two. Totally worth and I'm glad we'll always have this.  

Saturday night, although I felt crappy, we went to check out the Ice Castles at the Mall of America.  I had a Groupon for it, and our next weekends are busy, so we sort of had to do it.  First of all, it was 10 degrees and cold as crap even though I had my leg warmers from Norway and my bomber hat on.  Curse you, MINNESOTA!!!  Secondly, do not waste your money!!  It is such a rip-off and reallllyyy not that cool at all.  
This is all you need to see:
Freaking COLD!
Today, we continued our tradition of listening to records on Sunday mornings.  I really hope this is something we will do with our kids some day.  It is relaxing and gives us some "us time" to be together and truly enjoy the times we have.  We have our player set up in the loft so it can be heard all over our house.  I got a bit antsy and made Mike hang up two new frames my mom got me for Christmas.  Have I mentioned I love our loft??

There you have it.  Another week filled with amazing friends, making memories, and even some relaxing.  

Take time to make time, my friends.  It is precious and you should most definitely be spending it with 
people you love.  

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