Thursday, January 3, 2013

So long, 2012!

I've been reading about a lot of people's years and of course, I'm going to join in.  I grew a lot as a person this past year.  I have become a more positive person.  I have become a happier person.  I have made the decision to let go of the negative people in my life (and let THEM deal with it).  I have become more dedicated to my family.  I have made an effort to be with my friends and make better friendships.

Love.  Friends.  Family.  

It's what's important and I'm not going to question it or make it difficult.  I'm just making choices to better all of these parts of my life.

So what has brought me to this place?  A good year!  Most importantly, I married my best friend!!  After over 4 years, we tied the knot!  And 3 months later, my brother married his lady Christine at a Vineyard in Colorado.  My poor mother, haha!  These are my most memorable moments of the year, but of course, there's much more.

Mike and I traveled to Mexico and Costa Rica this year.  We were a bit worn out from traveling but are heading to Mexico again in another 3 weeks, wahoo!  Along with lots of travelling, we had lots of weddings besides our own, congratulations to all of our friends who joined us in 2012!

We moved to a new place in Apple Valley that we love, and had a kick ass housewarming party.  We both celebrated 1 year at our jobs.  I did not have a 5 year high school class reunion...but we attend my brother's 10 year class reunion (normal, right?).  We saw The Lion King Live.  I became closer with my mom.  We went to the Renaissance Festival for the first time. We got our motorcycle in prime condition.  My grandma sold her house and moved into town.  And Mike's grandparents were stubborn and moved back out to the farm.  One of my best friends moved away.  We "got into" coffee and tea drinking.  I got a smart phone!  We became members of the MN Zoo.  We got a fish.  I broke up with a best friend.  We said goodbye to Mike's mother.

I became Mrs. OLSON.  

I could not be happier with the way my life is going right now.  

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