Friday, May 22, 2015

Five on Friday {Volume Four}

So it's officially been two months since I've done a fun Friday post.  You'll find out why if you keep reading.  We've had a lot of changes lately and are enjoying this time of transition in our lives. Luckily, we have great family to lean on and are always growing in our relationship together.  I'll break down our recent month into the big points to share here.  Sorry I've been out of touch!


April 21st was my last day at my amazing job in Austin.  I was lucky to have secured a position at the largest law firm there.  I learned so much about the legal world and litigation.  I really enjoyed delving in to a whole new area and meeting a ton of great people along the way.  Thanks to everyone at JW for your patience, advice, and all of the memories!!


April 24th, hubby and I packed everything up AGAIN and took a two day drive to Minnesota.  Austin, Texas treated us so well, but the Midwest has our hearts and our families.  It was hard to leave the warmth, great people, and mostly, the food scene.  We are currently enjoying our time in the country crashing with my parents.  The internet deadzone, one bathroom, and limbo should be getting us down, but we are loving the down time.  Mike is able to work from home, and I am taking the purposeful unemployment as a nice break.  If you need moving advice, just ask!

Leaving Texas
Minnesota Welcoming Us Home


We came back to Minnesota much earlier than expected (and crashed with the parents) to get in on the house hunting game.  Let me tell you, it's not fun.  We suck at this game.  We are a tough couple because we want a modern house in the country, preferably with out buildings, but within an hour of the Twin Cities.  And we want it to be our forever home.  So it has to be big enough, close to grandparents, and affordable.  Now you see the problem.  We've almost made an offer two times, but it hasn't been quite right.  Patience is not my strong point, but this has been good for me and good for our relationship.


I finally got to meet my niece and nephew!!  One lovely part of not having a job is that when my mom asked me to go out to Colorado with her, I could go!  We spent four days near Denver helping to take care of my less than two month old twins.  It has been a long time since I've held or fed a baby.  I took my time and slowly got more comfortable with them.  They are so tiny and adorable!  I loved having the time to be there while they are still small.  We're so lucky to have them.  I cannot wait to see them again soon!



It feels good to be back.  Everyone in Austin  couldn't fathom why we would want to move back to Minnesota.  {It's cold}  But once we got here, we knew it was right.  Like I said, this is a strange transition time, but we are doing great with it.  Mike gets along great with my parents, we enjoy being home together during the day, and we're rediscovering this area of Minnesota.  Seeing friends and family reassures us that it's good to be back.  

Mom and Me
What have you been up to lately?

Linking up with:
Friday Favorites at Momfessionals
Oh, Hey Friday at September F A R M
High Five for Friday at Bright on a Budget
Friday Favorites at The Diary of a Real Housewife
Friday Favorites at Life in Leggings
Friday Favorites at Meet @ the Barre

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