Friday, May 29, 2015

Five on Friday {Volume Five}

After my last post, I received a lot of comments asking for help.  I've determined my life calling = Housewife for Hire.  Not to single men, but to moms, other married couples, and older couples.  Everyone can use a little help sometimes.  An extra boost to get organized.  Motivation to finally go through those old or family items.  I think I would have a blast working with willing women.  I'll keep that idea in never know!

As for the we go!


Our weekend was uneventful, but we DID find a house we love and made an offer on Monday.  Unfortunately, even with a full price offer and no conditions, another offer was chosen.  Don't ask me how that happens, but GOLLY the market is crazy right now.  I've been super bummed all week, and hoping that something goes wrong with the other offer.  Unlikely.  Meanwhile, I'm trying to keep my attitude up and know that something else will come along.  I am NOT a patient person, so again, keep us in your thoughts and I hope our home will come along soon.  


Tomorrow, I planned an anniversary party for my parent's 35th wedding anniversary (May 31st).  We will have munchies and a bonfire, share lots of memories, and have a great time.  I'm excited to see lots of family, my parent's friends, and whoever else may come along.  Mike and I will celebrate three years of marriage on June 2nd.  Hopefully we can make it as far as they have come!


Does anyone have a good second-day-curly-hair product?  I  have really learned to embrace my curls over the past few years, and I have an excellent method for styling my hair after a shower. {Curly girls, if you've never heard of "plopping", it will change your life.}  I do it consistently and although it takes a bit of time, it's so worth it for the life it gives my long hair.  BUT...after a sleep, my hair is a DISASTER in the morning.  If I don't straighten it, it looks totally insane.  I usually corral it with lots of mousse and headbands.  So please, if you have a product suggestion to revitalize my curls for day two, HELP ME!


My mom had the day off today, so we got ourselves into a bit of fun.  We made the hubby take us to breakfast at Cricket Meadow before heading to a porch sale.  We walked out empty handed and headed to Hutchinson to pick up my BRIDESMAID DRESS!  It is all altered and ready to rock. Thank you to Sharon Wilson at Creative Clothing for the excellent work.  {Now, to get comfortable in my heels and shrink my overexposed tatas!}  We also stopped at ShopKo (of all places) and came away with some awesome finds.  I have not been in to a ShopKo in probably ten years, but they actually have some cute clothes and home items.  I got some killer shoes, flip flops, some headbands, and my mom got a purse, shoes, and jewelry.  We also got a hummingbird feeder to put on the front deck!


I spent about two hours on the phone this week with two of my best friends (seperately).  One of them I haven't seen in THREE YEARS!  After not talking for two years, we reconnected and are keeping in touch better than ever.  It is great to have friends who don't judge each other, will always trust you and be also willing to listen.  I cannot wait to see these ladies soon.  Know that YOU CHOOSE YOUR FRIENDS, and yes, it does take effort to be a good friend.  I'm lucky to have had these ladies since our freshman year in college.  Love ya!

Linking up with:
Friday Favorites at Momfessionals
Oh, Hey Friday at September F A R M
High Five for Friday at Bright on a Budget
Friday Favorites at The Diary of a Real Housewife
Friday Favorites at Life in Leggings
Friday Favorites at Meet @ the Barre

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  1. I love the intro to the blog! Housewife for Hire sounds like a great idea :) But seriously, we all need to encourage one another, and be willing to accept encouragement and help when it comes our way! And good friends are so precious, especially as we get older. I swear it's so hard to find good friends as we get older. Fingers crossed on that house, but also hoping for another house that pops up that is easier to snag! Thanks for linking up with us at H54F!

    Katie @ Cup of Tea

    1. Thanks Katie! I'm always willing to help out if the person is willing to participate! I'm 26, and in that time in life where friends are so important, but so hard to stay close to... I always do my darndest!

  2. Devacurl all the way!! Their Mis-ter Right is a great 2nd day curl revitalizer!!! I have loved my curls since I have been using their product!!!
