Friday, March 20, 2015

Five on Friday {Volume 3}

Happy Friday Peeps!
  Like my Facebook page - Being Mrs. Olson Blog. 
We will be doing a fun giveaway when we reach 250 likes!

This has been quite the week.  Fun things and bad attitudes make for quite the mix of emotions.  I have been in such a strange, anxious mood for the past three days.  It's really taking a toll and I'm planning on sleeping until forever tomorrow.  But for now, I will focus on the fun things this week!


On Tuesday, the 17th, while all of you were wearing green and celebrating St. Paddy - Mike and I were celebrating SEVEN YEARS of being together.  This is our dating anniversary, but I still like to celebrate.  We finally checked a catfish parlor off our list of things to eat in Austin.  Lots of fried things...  It was worth it! 

It's quite amazing to think we've been serious since I was 18 years old.  I know I keep mentioning that, but being college sweethearts has made us so much more in tune.  I didn't know what I wanted to be, but I did know who I wanted to be with.  Mike deserves a medal for his patience, a backrub for all of the hard work he does, and a vacation.  He provides so much for me and our "family" that I will be forever grateful! 

Check out my Instagram for a seven year old throwback!


It's SXSW here in Austin.  That's South By Southwest for those of you who are hermits :)  Kidding.  It is a huge conference and festival that takes over the whole city.  People are playing shows at 7 in the morning and you can wait in lines for 7 hours.  Being a local during all the madness is a love/hate situation.  Mike and I keep it a bit low key, but were able to see Shinyribs and Spoon so far.  We are hoping to see the Rhymesayers showcase and Ryan Bingham tonight.  I was also able to get some Kendra Scott swag last week.  And by swag, I mean free jewelry and a wristlet totaling almost $200!

Kendra Scott Earrings



A week from today, two of my crazy cousins are rolling in to ATX.  Not too long ago, one of my cousins called out of the blue to ask to come visit.  I had another cousin who had Austin on her radar and in a matter of days, they both booked flights to come out and visit!  Needless to say,  next Friday I might not be posting.  I have a surprise outing planned for Friday so I hope it works out!  We are going to have an awesome time making memories in Austin!  Aria just texted me to tell me it's snowing on the east coast...let's hope this 80 degree weather sticks around. 

My cousin Laura and her K9 Freddie


I finally got my permanent crown put on one of my molars.  WHY is this exciting?!  Because I have had QUITE the long haul with this tooth since the beginning of December.  Nothing too serious, but a matter of miscommunication between my dentist, the endodontist, and myself.  It all started with cold sensitivity, a threat of extraction, and ended with a root canal AND a crown.  It took about three months, about half of that in pain, and a lot of frustration.  I've never been so happy to leave a dentist office.  And I dislike the dentist. 


I cannot wait to live in the country.  We currently rent a house in a pretty nice development in way south Austin.  BUT, our neighbors have two idiot dogs that they let bark at 11 PM, and 3 AM, and 6 AM.  You get the gist.  It drives me absolutely insane.  Plus, we can hear other dogs barking all over the neighborhood.  I don't have a dog...I don't want to hear barking.  We also have to deal with people driving four-wheelers and dirt bikes on the land behind our house on Saturdays.  And a few days a week we get to listen to blasting bass coming from the roller rink.  Mind you, this is all with the windows closed.  It is immensely frustrating and I cannot wait to be out of town and listen to the wind and riding lawnmowers. 

There you have it, my excitement for the week!  See you in April...BIRTHDAY MONTH!

Linking up with:
Friday Favorites at Momfessionals
Oh, Hey Friday at September F A R M
High Five for Friday at Bright on a Budget
Friday Favorites at The Diary of a Real Housewife
Friday Favorites at Life in Leggings
Friday Favorites at Meet @ the Barre

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