Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Parents Visit Austin, Texas

Make sure to go like my Facebook page - Being Mrs. Olson Blog.  We will be doing a fun giveaway when we reach 250 likes!

Going back to work after vacation is horrible. Last week, we were lucky enough to have my parents come visit us in Austin for four lovely days!

Blessed with 80 degree weather and lots of sunshine, my parents forgot all about the single-digit temperatures in Minnesota and we showed them around our new stomping grounds.  The day they went back to Minnesota was one year to the day from when we LEFT Minnesota.  And we only saw my parents once in between.  Seeing your parents once/twice a year is hard!  So we made the most of it. 

After getting up at 3 AM, my parents arrived just in time for lunch.  We showed them my office building in downtown Austin, which has excellent views of the river.  We then went on a little walk to get some sandwiches from Short Bus Subs.  They're a quick and easy food truck with toasted sandwiches that fill you up.  We enjoyed eating outside and watching all of the people and dogs out and about.  It was a great time to catch up and get all of the happy jitters out of the way. 

The days followed with breakfasts made at home, daily adventures and outings, and lots of great food.  Austin's food scene is impossible to take in in a few days.  We made sure to get in some American food (dad is a little less adventurous), my parents both tried sushi for the first time {and chopsticks!}, some homegrown BBQ, and of course some yummy drinks along the way. 


A highlight of their visit was a day at Top Golf.  It is a driving range that is more like a game.  Think bowling alley - combined with a driving range.  I haven't golfed in about 15 years, I've done it one time, and it involved multiple crying sessions and several lost balls {I was like 10}.  I had no intentions of enjoying this golf outing and was content with eating and drinking while the guys golfed.  But we had a great time!!  My mom and I golfed the whole time, while sipping on fresh strawberry sangria.  With delicious burgers, tots, and a dessert of DIY injectable donut holes, it was a smashing SUCCESS!  We all loved it and couldn't stop talking about it the rest of the trip. 


Our nights were filled with childhood stories, family gossip, casual TV watching, snacks, and a few riotous games of Farkle.  One thing I am so grateful for is the fact that Mike and me - and my parents - get along like friends.  We used to spend New Year's Eve together, we've gone on vacation together, we have a great time and it always goes too fast. 

My parents have been married almost 35 years.  What better example can you ask for?  What a fantastic way to be inspired in your marriage - spend time with a lively example!  Thanks, Mom and Dad, for making more memories with us and showing us a fun time!

This trip was memorable.  Back in 2010, my mom and grandma visited me in Oslo, Norway, and we always talk about the memories we made there.  THIS visit was definitely on par with that.  I will always remember having an awesome time with my parents in a different state and trying new things.  This is part of the reason we moved here in the first place.  We wanted to make memories and add another chapter to our book. 

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