Sunday, November 2, 2014

Snail Mail Designs - Etsy Interview

My mom is that obnoxious person that likes to send cards for every little occasion.  And guess what?

I'm turning in to my mother.  It happens to the best of us, right? 

I started getting in to mailing cards after my mom gave me a few card kits.  She does a monthly card club and thought it would be fun for me to make some.  It was.  I always love crafts that tell me exactly what to do :) 

So then I had over 20 cards to send, and started to be the person who just sent a little cheer-you-up card at random times.  One fact you can take throughout life:  PEOPLE LOVE GETTING MAIL.  Mail that is not bills, mail that has a little love tucked in, mail that has a hand written signature.  Even if it just says, "Hey, I'm thinking of you!", it will always brighten someone's day

Since moving to Texas, I have been sending even more mail to keep in touch with friends.  I want them to know that I'm thinking about them.  I also hosted my own SNAIL MAIL BIRTHDAY PARTY when I turned 25 in April.  What the heck is that?!  I made it up.  Since it was a big birthday, and I was not able to celebrate with anyone {but my lovely husband}, I asked my friends to send me birthday cards.  The most heartfelt, and the funniest card each got a gift sent back to them from Texas.  Fun, right?!

You may have noticed that "letter writing" is starting to come back into popularity.  It was listed number one on this list of "Things Everyone Should Start Making Time for Again" on Thought Catalog.  People, I'm telling you, I'm ahead of the curve on this one

And so are Beth & Britta, the sister owners of Snail Mail Designs.  They design paper products of all kinds to be shipped world wide and then sent to lucky mailboxes to garner smiles. 

Found Here
The idea started three years ago when older sister Britta asked Beth  "Do you want to start an Etsy shop where we design and sell paper goods?”  Beth responded with “Hmm, why not!”  With a mutual love to create, a few weeks of pondering led to the Snail Mail Designs brand.  Several years down the road, the company and sisterhood has been filled with a lot of fun, a lot of work, a lot of lessons learned, and a lot of personal and company growth!

(Excuse my horrible home lighting)
Let's meet the ladies!  Beth is the younger sister who loves anything outdoors; biking, running, rollerblading, etc.  She also enjoyed her first attempt at gardening this year (jealous!).  Britta loves reading, cooking, photography & playing outside with her daughter.  My creative interview question was "If you could hop in an envelope and send yourself anywhere, where would you go?"  Surprisingly, they both answered with the same destination.  Australia.  They said they have had the opportunity to work with several brides in Australia and every time they ship off their invitation orders, they consider hand-delivering them. The ocean, the accents, the people…  Britta and her husband have also talked about traveling to New Zealand as well.  With so much gorgeous scenery...I would love to go there as well!

I asked them, "What's it like working with your sister?".  They said that working with each other is probably one of the best parts of their small business. They live in different cities, and it is great to always have a reason to call or text each other– even if it is just to check on the envelope stock. They say their family might get annoyed when they get caught up in “Snail Mailing” when they're together, but their families have been very supportive along the way. They mentioned it is helpful to have someone to bounce ideas off of, and to work through the accounting side of the business with. Since they both work full-time jobs as well, it is also great to have help when it comes to fulfilling orders and preparing for craft shows.

Found Here
Where do the ideas and work come from?  With a love for pattern and text, and eyes always on blogs, magazines, Instagram, and family and friends, they come up with new ideas often.  They are also pushed to be extra creative when custom orders come in.  Oh, yeah... THEY DO CUSTOM ORDERS!  You can have them design invites or cards for baby/bridal showers, weddings, birthday parties, notecards, etc.  They mentioned one of their favorite parts is that "It is really fun to think about being a small part of other people’s life celebrations – whether that is a happy dance at the mailbox when you receive a note from a friend, or a bride envisioning the joy of her wedding day as she sends out her invitations." 

Found Here - Set of 8
How awesome is that?!  They really love what they do and enjoy connecting with customers through exciting life events.  These wonderful ladies spend their nights and weekends behind a computer creating exceptional paper products to be "snail mailed" full of good news.  You can feel their whimsy in the colorful, dainty designs, and the products offered.  They even have recipe cards and prints to share or keep for yourself!  And they are also avid fans of washi tape.  Love!  The cards are high quality and come with cute envelopes as well.  The products are top-notch and made with love.  What more can you ask for?!

They have offered readers a 15% DISCOUNT on orders with the code BLOGLOVEFALL2014 which expires November 30th.  Let's show these talented ladies some love by checking out their Etsy shop.  Their cards and prints would make an excellent gift for a girlfriend, aunt, grandmother, etc.  Personally, I always like to have Thank You and Thinking of You cards available for my use at any time as well.  Now I'm all stocked up!  If you have any events coming up, consider Snail Mail Designs for your invites, thank yous, or party favors. 

One last thing I think many readers would love, their Memory Verse Cards.  See them here!

Connect with Britta & Beth!

Etsy | Facebook | Beth Instagram | Britta Instagram

**Though I received these products for free, all opinions are my own.  Photography by Snail Mail Designs and myself.**

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