Friday, September 5, 2014

Why It Pays to Complain

You know what I hate?  When people don't do their jobs correctly.  Or when products don't work the way they're supposed to.  When you don't get what you paid for.  Or when you have to pay secret fees for things you never knew about. 

This gist of this is that I don't like spending money that I don't need to.  And I will speak up to make sure that doesn't happen.  My motto has always been "It never hurts to ask!".  This can serve you anywhere from getting a discount on shoes to getting a babysitter for a night out.  You just have to ask people.  The worst that can happen is that someone says "no", and you're back right where you started. 

I tend to be pretty outspoken in my life and I feel like it has served me pretty well over the years.  Yes, it can sure get me in trouble some times, but generally, when I have asked for something, it has turned out well.

The most common form of this, that I'm sure you can all relate to, is haggling with your cable provider to give you a discount or extra channels, or you'll LEAVE them.  More often than not, IT WORKS!  Right?  So why not take that approach to more things in your life.
  • When we moved in to our townhome in Minnesota, they wanted a $500 pet deposit for our little bunny, Lola.  Since she is a harmless, caged, litter box trained baby girl, we asked if they would waive that ridiculous amount.  And they did.
  • I recently purchased a bike.  You can read more in detail at that link.  This bike was brand new, with a few scratches.  Most people would have walked out of the store paying full price...NOT ME!  I asked for a discount, and when I was offered 10% off, I haggled and got 15%. 
  • If you see clothes (even if they are already on clearance) with stains/markings/crooked zippers, ask for a discount!  Usually the employees can give 10-15 percent off for such things.  Might as well save a few bucks!
  • When it comes to food and beauty products, many have a money back guarantee.  Use their websites or phone lines to let them know if you are unhappy.  Usually they will send you coupons/vouchers to try something else.  We recently complained about our Timothy Grass for Lola being so cruddy she wouldn't even eat it.  They sent us a coupon for five pounds of free food...that's a lot for a bunny!
  • As mentioned above, phone and cable companies will usually give you some perks or discounts if you say you will leave the company (after a few months, of course). 
  • A few months ago, we found a cat we wanted to adopt.  After our landlord stated we would pay a non-refundable deposit, an additional deposit, AND pet rent.  I said heeeck no.  We asked if he would consider only one of those because she's just a little bunny and we are great tenants.  After stopping by our house and realizing such, he said we could get a cat.  (We decided not to at that time, but point proven!)
  • Ask for a raise!  Provided you are a good employee and in good standing, it is okay to ask for a raise at an appropriate time.  Have information supporting your request and be prepared to pitch yourself.  The worst they can say is no, but at least you tried!
At least you tried.  In most situations, you don't have anything to lose by asking.  Companies always want to know what they are doing well and what they are doing wrong.  It's our job to speak up and let them know.  And of course, get a little benefit out of it for ourselves ;)  I have never had a negative outcome from complaining or speaking up.  Use customer service to you advantage and get the best for your money!

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