Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Sinful Colors - Nail Color Review

Ladies, I have exciting news. 

If you do your nails at home, I can recommend a $1.99 nail color that will make you HAPPY!  I paint my nails and toe nails on a very regular basis.  I have a great technique, and (thanks to my mom) can paint my right hand better than anyone I know.  BUT, I still get insanely frustrated when they are already chipped the next morning from brushing my teeth, buckling my sandals, whatever. 

I have picked up a few bottles of Sinful Colors over the past few months.  You can easily find them at Target, Walgreens, etc.  While I was in a fight with my topcoat, I decided to go ahead and try my new red/coral color without one.  To my EXTREME SURPRISE, my nail color lasted several days, without a topcoat, and didn't chip.  Now THAT is impressive!! 

I do the dishes every day, and use my hands a lot at work,  I could not believe that this "cheap" nail color I bought was holding up for days without a top coat.  Perfect reason to buy more, right?!  I have since bought a few more color and their clear topcoat.  And I am still fascinated with how well this nail color performs. 

I can wear this for almost two weeks with my nails still looking pretty decent.  By no means does it hold up like a shellac, but it holds up better than most colors I've used.  TRY IT OUT!!  The two dollar investment gives you nothing to lose.  And the fact that they are ALWAYS putting out new collections will ensure you find a color that you like.

Let me know what you think!!

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