Friday, May 16, 2014

My Current Obsessions

As this blog is still a sort of journal for me, I thought it would be fun to post a little list of things I'm currently pretty obsessed with.  PLUS, since I'm not able to see all of you as much, this can count as small talk!

Air Plants - I went to a Meetup with Crafty Girl Austin probably about a month ago.  I attended the Mason Jar Terrarium class and quickly fell in love with the air plants that are very diffucult to kill.  {Thanks, Anna!}  I SUCK at plants.  I pretty much kill anything...  I've successfully killed cacti, as well as succelents.  My mom was appalled.  Sorry, Mom.  BUT, thus far, I've kept my little gem alive, and I'm increasing my crop.  I've harvested two wild air plants, and this week purchased two new Tillandsia and given them some pretty fantastic homes!  Not only are they GREEN, but you can make it crafty by interior decorating for your new friends. 

Nude & Mint - If you've seen my blog or seen me lately, you know I've been obsessed with the color mint for over a year.  I have tons of mint clothing, jewelry, furniture, and so on.  Recently, I've been getting in to the nude color trend.  I bought a pair of earrings in Vegas, have my eyes out for nail polish, and comment on everything that is nude.  Loving IT!

Earrings - Speaking of earrings, I have SO many pairs!  Whenever I travel, I try to purchase earrings as my souvenir.  That way, when I wear them and someone compliments or asks about them, it brings back good memories!  Also, when shopping the local artist booths and markets, earrings are usually a cheaper and easier buy than a necklace or bracelet. 

Wafflers - Have you heard of these?  If not, avoidavoidavoid or you will be eating them every damn day.  They are Eggo Waffles, with syrup/flavor baked right in, and they break in half for easy consumption and travel.  For breakfast, they are great with peanut butter, and for a treat - IFYOUDARE- eat them with Nutella and slowly experience heaven.  We got them at Sam's Club, and they run about $10 for 96 of them!  I'm doomed to have a waffle tummy.

Sweets - My sweet tooth has been out of control since we moved to Austin.  I'm really surprised I haven't gained weight, as I'm indulging often!  At work, we have tons of birthdays and leftovers from catered lunches that are hard to resist.  Also, the food scene here is fantastic and it's really hard to avoid the delicious, hand crafted desserts and treats.  I'm going to enjoy while I can :)

Game of Thrones - We got caught up on GoT just before this season started, and now HATE the fact that we have to wait a week to watch again.  Not having read the books, the show is exciting and unpredictable for us.  If you haven't seen the series, it's worth the investment.  This is TOTALLY not my type of show, and I was hooked on the first episode.  Peter Dinklage, I can't wait to see what you're up to next. 

Traveling - I want to go EVERYWHERE!  Like, now...  One of the reasons we moved down south is because it's much cheaper to travel to certain areas.  The Bahamas, for example, has been on my list for a year or two.  South and Central America are more accessible and tempting as well.  Hopefully, we have some island visiting in our future!  I also want to visit Louisiana, West Texas (specifically, Marfa and El Cosmico), and the Grand Canyon. 

Goats, Hound Dogs, and Kittens - Let it be known that I am a five-year-old-child when it comes to animals.  Of any sort.  Don't take me to the zoo unless you want to be embarassed.  Luckily, my husband doesn't mind and indulges my craziness.  We've decided that when we buy a house, one of our necessities will be "room for a goat".  I WANT A DAMN GOAT.  They are so freaking cute, and although they can easily create a disaster of anything, I want one.  I also am missing my hound dog, Rex, as we can hear a hound in our neighborhood howling when he's home alone.  It makes me sad and I want to play with him!  We also have been considering a kitty.  We decided it would be okay to get one and Mike offered me one for my birthday.  I decided against it, after a lot of extra consideration, because we will likely be moving again soon, and I don't want my Lola to feel any less loved!  For now, kitty-sitting for the neighbor cat, Patti, will keep me happy.

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