Sunday, March 2, 2014


Most of you know, but I'll give you the quick story of my recent HUGE life change!

Mike and I picked up and moved to Austin, Texas in the middle of February!  We have been wanting to move for about 6 months, had our sights set on Austin or New York, I turned down a job offer in NC, and we tried again for Austin.  Mike put out 5 applications, one flew him in for an interview, and decided they wanted him here in a MONTH!  So we told our parents, put our notices in at work, said our many goodbyes, and took a three day drive to our new home in Austin!

There were definitely trials, issues, and disappointments, but we are HERE, with all of our things and a safe place to live, so we'll consider it a success.  Mike started his job the Monday after we got here, and I was lucky enough to find a job that started the Monday after that.  WHIRLWIND is a word that hardly describes our last month.  I only cried twice, Lola only boycotted food for a few days, and our strong Mike held everything together with his patience, fantastic attitude, and pure love for all of us!

Mike is working as a web applications developer at a medical software company, and I am working relief reception and clerking for a law firm downtown.  Mike is settling in and starting to enjoy his days more and more.  I had a fairly easy first week, but don't know that I will enjoy my job although the people and firm are great.  I am being patient and we will see what happens!

In the mean time, we are getting OUTSIDE in the warm weather, trying new restaurants, and making some concert plans for South by Southwest (SXSW) coming up in mid-March.  Highlights so far include a picnic in a gully, avocado margaritas, a "block party" where we grilled/partied with our neighbors, almost daily sunshine, and plenty of time together.  Mike's family is visiting in April, and we are also hoping to go to Las Vegas in April to celebrate my 25th birthday.

All of these changes have been fast, difficult, and full of crazy, but we are solid and that makes everything easier!  We are in this together and wanted to try something totally new.  We will see if homesickness sets in or if we will feel at home in Austin.  Here's to finding out!

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