Thursday, October 31, 2013

Work Woes

Come one, come all!!  I'm inviting you to my pity party.   On my blog, and in life, I do a pretty dang good job of staying positive.  But right now...I'm having a really hard time.

This mainly stems from work.  We spend more time at our jobs than we do with our spouses, so if work isn't going great, it can really ruin your week.  And my week has sucked so far.

If you've read the news lately, Wells Fargo has being doing some major layoffs.  Until recently, my department has been left untouched.  We are a high end department, and tend to have the feeling that we're always safe.

Well two weeks ago, it happened.  Thank GOODNESS my job is currently safe, but 4 of my underwriters got 60 days notice.  And, very conveniently, my manager was away on work travel.  Our team is 90% female, which obviously led to a few tears, plenty of emotion, and a rough rest of the week.

Things have been all off kilter since then.  The next day, all temporary employees got 60 day notice as well, but they have been slowly letting them go.  One of my closers leaves tomorrow :(


Last Friday, I got a heads up that my old manager was going to be taking my job.  WHAT?!  He in infamous for spreading his imaginary plans, so I tried to convince myself it wasn't going to happen.  After restless sleep, an anxiety meltdown at work on Monday, I talked to my manager.  Who informed me that I am switching teams and our whole department is getting reorganized.  AND, confirmed as of today, my old supervisor is taking my current position.

What in the eff?!  On one hand, it's funny, because he's getting demoted.  On the other, it literally makes no sense for our department the way they are rearranging the people who share my position.  On the third hand (yep, this is a weird creature), it pisses me off!!

BUT, I'll end it there and say that I am moving to a new team, a new manager, and a new horizon. Tomorrow.  Like that positivity???  I'm trying really hard here.  Maybe it has to do with the wine...

Thursday, October 10, 2013

My First Work Trip - Pennsylvania

A few weeks ago my manager slinked into my cube and started talking really quietly.  I thought I was getting canned.  We have a lot of stuff going down at work (reorganizing, downsizing, layoffs, etc) so I was a bit worried.

Much to my surprise, he asked me to travel to Philly with him to train a new site! I was thrilled, as people in my position don't get asked to travel.  We always hold the team down on site.  I of course said yes and asked for details.  Of which, he had none.  Things were very under wraps, confidential, and still in the works.  Not my style, if you know me!

The first week of October, I hopped on a plane with my manger, a lending officer, and 2 change team trainers.  We arrived midday and headed to our hotel in Chester, PA.  AKA--ghost town.  This town is basically dead, washed up, and the population has halved in less than a half century.  BUT, our hotel was nice!!  

We had Philly cheese-steaks for dinner, followed by free drinks and a fire on the patio, courtesy of hotel management.  AWESOME.  It was a good way to start the trip!  

The next two mornings, I was up at 6, which is SUPER EARLY for me.  But worth it to try something new.  We trained the new team for two days, had awesome lunches, met some colleagues, told stories, gambled at Harrah's, and had a great time.  

Traveling is exhausting, and of course I came back to a s#it-show on Friday, as my backups weren't exactly proficient in covering while I was away.  I was asked to travel to Florida in a few weeks to train a new site there as well.  Yay me!  It is a fun experience, but I''m glad I don't always travel for work.  I miss being home, my normal schedule, and eating home cooked meals.  Props to all those traveling workers out there, it's hard work!!

Bridge to Jersey
My mom is awesome
Drinking on the job 

Dogfish Head
We worked in an old electric building

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fall Decorating - I Love my Grandma

I used to hate decorating for holidays and seasons.  Last year, Mike guilted me into decorating for Halloween in case we had trick or treaters...of which there were none.  You can read about that disappointment HERE.  Then, I was made to set up the Christmas tree...what a drag.  My family calls me a grinch.

BUT, after a "shopping trip" through my grandma's closet, I got inspiration and had Christmas snowmen and Santas all over the house by December.  I even got a few cute things at Walgreens, of all places.

So this year, I was excited to get set up for Halloween.  I was home last weekend, and my mom had a bounty of decor of which my grandma had tired of and passed along to her.  As usual, some of it was hideous, but some of it rocks!  I went home with two Pier One bags full of goodies.

(Side thought:  as I'm typing this, I'm thinking from now on, I should take everything my mom doesn't want, and then I can have people over to shop at my house!  Thoughts?)

We got home Sunday evening, and after unpacking, finishing the laundry, and having dinner, I got out the decorations.  I just have our main floor decorated, but that's good enough for me!

Added fall flowers to my red vase
Dining room table.  I'm OBSESSED with that pumpkin!
Coffee table.  Note the new owl :)  And my orchid.  
I moved these to the TV stand
Added some new foliage to my jug (it used to have peacock feathers)

It's feeling like fall around here.  I wore my mint capris to work today to try to eek out these last few warm days.  I LOVE fall!  Snuggling up, warm drinks, blankets, bonfires, leaves...all the good stuff.  Enjoy it before the cold comes!!

Friend time, Surprises, Weddings!

The day after the junk market, I got up early to meet an old friend for coffee in Minneapolis.  She is a friend from high school. We lost touch (with a mini-falling-out), but I recently cleared the table for us and we're starting fresh!  It feels great, as she was one of my best friends and I need her back in my life.  We met at Bull Run Coffee Bar on a sunny morning.  In order to take in the last precious days, we spent our time on the patio.  This is a great shop and I would definitely recommend checking it out!  I have to admit, I was a bit nervous for our coffee date, but it went so flawlessly, that 4.5 hours later, my husband was wondering where I was!  It was a fantastic time, and I'm so glad to have rekindled our friendship.  I also got a nice sunburn :)

Friday boasted a momentous occasion...MY BEST FRIEND TURNED 25!!  For the past few months, her boyfriend and I had been scheming for a surprise dinner.  Although she was suspicious, we pulled it off!  She was so clueless, she didn't even see all of us sitting at the table or the balloons on her chair! We all enjoyed fabulous Benihana, stories, and some beverages.  Ashley's not one to celebrate or be selfish, so I wanted to make sure this birthday didn't slip by un-celebrated!  Thanks to everyone that came and helped out!

:Our Group:
My Bestie on her birthday

Amazing green tea for dessert
The next morning, we were up early to head back to Monticello to pick up Ashley and Kevin.  We trekked 3.5 hours north near Walker, MN to celebrate our sorority sister's wedding.  The weather was a bit cold, but we managed to warm up by checking out the local craft brewery, Leech Lake Brewing. It is the smallest we've ever visited, but worth a stop.  After the ceremony, we used our 5$ vouchers at the casino, and Mike and I managed to pocket over $20.  That's big money in my world!  We had a great time with college friends, and celebrating Jake and Alison's love after 9.5 years!!

Mrs. Premo
Sorority Sisters

I love spending time with my friends, and I'm trying to get as much of it in as I can before it gets cold out!!  Take time to make memories.