Friday, September 20, 2013

How to Host a Book Exchange

I have been reading a lot this summer.  I just finished my ninth book.  I’m very proud of that!  I go in cycles over time; I will read a lot, and then not read for many months.  Currently, I’m in read-like-a-crazy-woman mode.  I read at work, on the weekends, and before bed.  

My mom is a super reader, and has always had a book in her hand ever since I can remember.  She can read ANYWHERE.  It’s kind of fascinating, she's talented.  Maybe this is me turning more into my mother?  On that note…I’m quitting!  Hah!

My mom has books piled all over the house, and since she generally knows what I like to read, every time she comes to visit, she brings a few with, and so far, she’s been rocking it!  Plus…free books, yes please.  

So now that I had a good stack of books I had read, I wanted to share the wealth {and score some new ones}.  So I thought of a book exchange.   Like a potluck, but with books!  Bring one, take a new one.  Tah-daaah!  

I planned a casual book exchange with friends, and it was pretty successful!

What we did:

Drew numbers for who would pick first.  Number one got first choice of the books on the table. I believe we had about 15 books and 6 people.  Then,  number two got to choose, and so on…

After the first round, we started back at number one.  If you brought two books, then you got to choose another book during the second round.  After that, the left over books were put up as a free-for-all.  

It was quick, easy, FREE, and everyone left with some new books.  And there were brownies…yum.

I walked away with Water for Elephants, Committed, and Saving CeeCee Honeycutt.

What I would do with more time:

*I would encourage more people to come.  More books, more variety, more fun!  

*I would make signs to separate fiction and non-fiction, and somewhat sort the books.  

*I would have a cute small card for each book, and the owner would write a synopsis of the book and place it inside.  

My grand scheme would be people drinking wine and socializing, while the person choosing their book on their turn would peruse the choices and have time to read the synopses and make their decisions.

Have fun with your next book exchange!  

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