Sunday, December 2, 2012

My Life

This is my life.  And today, I celebrated 6 lovely months of marriage with my amazing Mikey!  It feels so great and I cannot wait for 60 years :)  It sort of snuck up on us... I was telling a story this afternoon, my memory was jogged and I burst out "It's our 6 month anniversary!".  This was the perfect way to top off a great weekend.

FIRST...I'll catch you up on Thanksgiving!  We went to North Dakota to be with Mike's family on the first big holiday since Carol passed away.  The 7 hour drive never gets easier, especially after working all day, but I really enjoyed my time on this visit.  We arrived after midnight and crawled into bed.  Thanksgiving day, we had lunch prepared by Mike's dad and uncle at his uncle Arthur's house.  Mike's sister and her boyfriend have really come out of their shells and were talking to everyone.  I talked to them more that weekend than I have in the past five years!  It was a nice change to hear what they are up to and chat.  

That night, we headed in to big ol' Max (Mike's hometown of 300) to spend some time with Mike's high school friends.  We don't get to see them often since they are over 8 hours away :(  We went to Cody & Randi's to start some drinking and do some wedding talking (they are tying the knot in July, and Cody was in our wedding).  After a few hours we all went over to Luke's house to join them, their cousins visiting, and Katie, who was home from Italy! I whooped them all by over 50 points in Wii Bowling...booyah!  After little Adam was put to bed, I drove the 90 minutes home, ugh.  *Special congrats to Luke and Belinda who welcomed their new baby girl on November 26th!  We just missed her arrival!  Saturday morning, I met with a sorority sister for coffee, and it was so great to catch up!  Saturday night, Cody and Randi stopped through Bismarck, and we had a few more drinks and some fun story time.  Needless to say, Thanksgiving weekend was a fun time, as we got to see lots of friends and spend good time with family.

My new arrangement :)
Some of my goodies!
THIS weekend, we drove home on Friday for my mom's birthday, and surprised her.  She loved it! But mostly she was happy that she could drag me to all of the bake sales at 7am the next morning with grandma!  I actually roused myself out of bed...okay, mom woke me up...haha.  We went to 2 churches and the Little Red Schoolhouse, and ended with breakfast at Cricket Meadow, yum!  It was very fun to spend time with my grandma and be out beginning all of the "Christmas-ing".  I snagged some decorations from my mom and gma's to bring to our new place.  After a quick nap, we headed in to town for the rival hockey game between LDC and Willmar...we lost, but it was fun to be back there!

Our Tree
Today, after the Vikings lost, we got to decorating at our place.  

We're feeling festive!  We got up our tree, and my decorations from family.  I am usually a grinch about Christmas, but this year I'm giving in.  After all, Mike was born on Christmas...what's not to celebrate!?

The holidays are treating me well, and I'll post more soon about being thankful.  I want all of the people we've seen lately to know that they mean a LOT to us and we enjoy spending time with you!  


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