Sunday, November 18, 2012


We had our "housewarming" party last night, though we cleverly disguised it as a house party so we could drink and act ridiculous.  Well done, friends, well done.  It was SUCH a fun time!  Most of our friends are good at being busy all of the time, so we planned it over a month ahead to time and we actually had an awesome turnout.  We made the cop-out decision to furnish the goodies from Sam's Club, but it saved time and worked out nicely.

We got to use a few wedding gifts:  our dip set, and glass bowls, woohoo grownups!  I brought up a large trash can from downstairs for recycling and it ended up full by the end of the night.  We. Like. To. Party.  We like, we like to party.  (I hope you caught that song reference..if not, you're not cool at all.)  We also got to FINALLY crack open a bottle of white zinfandel my mom got us a few years ago.  It was a 2007, and super tasty!  But it was 1.5 Liters of wine, hence why we've had no feasible reason to delve into it.  Thanks for helping me almost kill it, ladies!

Mike and I have quite a few groups of friends
down here,my high school friends, sorority friends, and college
friends...and Mike's college friends and intern friends.  We usually have to pick and choose which "group" we're going to hang out with, but with our party, we went all in.  It turned out to be quite the HS reunion for me (which I absolutely love) with a few samplings of Mike's college friends and my college friends.  We had a few "small world" moments of people knowing each other outside of Mike and I, which was fun!

The fraternity boys ended up in the basement, with no furniture, playing P&A.  Classy!  We were graced with the presence of The Kai Hansen for the first time in years and we managed to roust grandpa Peter from his abode.  We were a few cronies short, but my high school friends can always have a good time when we get together.  After we graduated, we all became really close and can genuinely enjoy time with each other now, even after we all made it through college.  It makes me very grateful to have grown up in a small town where we were all so close together.  Although we don't all talk on a regular basis, we can easily fall back in to the good ol' days and love to catch up with each other.

All in all, it was a fantastic night to spend time with friends.  Catching up and consuming some beverages.  Hopefully we can do this more often.  Like I've said before, I'm really trying to make a big effort to see friends more!  I am looking forward to some happy hours coming up and hopefully keeping up with everyone's busy lives.

THANK YOU to everyone who came over last night and made it such a fun time.  We had a blast and hope to see you all again soon!  (Eh hem, KAI!)


  1. Sounds like a good time. Wish I could have been there!

  2. So sad I couldn't come, glad you have a great time! :)
