Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Starting Over

I've been looking for something to occupy a bit of what "free time" I have without too big of a commitment.  After re-reading my entire Norway Blog, I'm thinking I will try this all again.  I really loved being able to go back and re-live all that I went through and I'm thinking that would be a great thing to have from this time in my life!

A year ago October 19th, Mike proposed to me, and 8 months later we were married in the most meaningful ceremony.  It was an amazing and memorable day.  We made such great memories and really took in every moment.  We made the choice to include only people we wanted to and do only things we wanted to.  It was truly US.

Sadly, a month after our wedding, Mike's mom lost her fight with Pancreatic cancer.  We were there, and it was one of the hardest experiences ever.  Thus began life with a smaller, but closer family.  It is hard to know our children will only have one grandma, but Carol fought so hard and it was so nice to finally see her at peace.

That brings me to...NOW.  Life as Mrs. Olson.  We have passed the 4 month mark already and have been through so much.  We took our Honeymoon to Samara, Costa Rica, which was ridiculously hot, humid, and AMAZING.  We planned to not plan.  We relaxed, we talked, we drank.  We were us, married.  And it felt great!

It FEELS great.  I was always a person who wanted to marry young and start a family.  I now know that I do not want a family right now (see THIS hilarious article that perfectly explains why), but I am thrilled to have found Mike and been able to call him mine for over 4.5 years (Thanks, Nick!).

We have accomplished a few other "married couple things", most importantly...finally getting our first place that's not an apartment!  We don't have interest in buying a house right now, and have found an amazing townhome to start our lives in for now.  It is a HUGE 1,805 square feet and have plenty of room for us, Lola, and more.  Our biggest pleasures are the two car garage and washer & dryer...ahhh, the luxuries.  Okay, I'm a nerd...I KNOW!  I get excited about small things, like having place for lamps, having a water softener, having a FRONT DOOR :)

Go ahead, call me domestic, I'll take it.  I love it!  I love being a wife.  I love being with Mike in our own place that we can call home.  Cleaning on the weekends, taking the trash out on Fridays.  It really is a great feeling and exactly what I want right now.  We are happy.  TOGETHER.

Nick's Wedding, September 29, 2012
Hopefully I can keep this up.  My plan is to let my thoughts, questions, and daily frustrations fill up these posts.  Please...come along for the ride!

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